Centralised hub to store, publish and control all input parameters, across finance, geology, environment, geotechnical, processing, metallurgy, etc.
Financial - Metallurgical - Geological - Immutable - Data Store
Confidence in the input parameters is fundamental to the confidence in the outputs. Coordinating and validating the parameters used as the basis for any planning study is problematic. Combinations of emails, spreadsheets, word documents, pdf’s, etc. usually feature in the process to collate input parameters. Multiple versions, multiple working directories, and personnel turnover exacerbate the problem.
Do you know where all your key assumptions are, and who provided and approved them for use?
The Challenge
User Libraries go beyond simply storing data. The functionality facilitates a collaborative environment where mine planning, geological, metallurgical, geotechnical, financial teams, etc. can all work together. With a structured approval and publishing process, collaboration and transparency is the result.
With everyone accessing and using the same validated data, communication confusion is eliminated, and data integrity is maintained. User Libraries allow you to publish information to create an immutable record, ensuring everyone is always working with the latest approved data. This provides confidence in decision-making outcomes for all contributors. The QS Portal also comes pre-configured with industry-specific system libraries for a range of common data sets.
Our Solution
Centralised Data Storage
Store all financial, geological, geotechnical, and metallurgical planning inputs in one centralised hub. Version updates are simple, structured and immediate. Control access, publish when ready, ensuring it is available to those who require it.
Collaborative Workspace
Facilitate transparent collaboration between all key teams and team members. The QS Portal provides a single location, that is simple to use, for storing, sharing and accessing essential planning input parameters.
Immutable Data
Publish information to create an immutable dataset, providing a secure and unalterable repository for critical mining data throughout the project life-cycle. Need to confidently find the parameters used for last years plans, no problem, they are in the QS Portal!
Configureable System Libraries
Utilise bundled system libraries that can be configured for your requirements. These could include, for example, haulage, financial, analysis datasets, and more.
User Libraries
Transparent storage of parameters for all disciplines in a structured Library system.
Control versions and user access with confidence. Publish data when you are ready, with updates applied instantly.
Scenario parameter sets easily managed with Libraries.
Link your workflow to Libraries. No need to search the network or your emails for the latest approved parameters.
Collaborate efficiently with your team across all disciplines. Know instantly when parameters have been updated.
Take the first step towards optimising your mining operations! Request a demo of our software and we’ll schedule in a free demo on your data.
User Libraries Demo
The purpose of User Libraries is to provide a secure, transparent and robust environment in which to store and refer to use in calculations and settings. The User Libraries offer a form of governance, especially in regards to Cashflow Script settings. Items such as product pricing and productivities need to be “Published” before the AM can be run using those settings.
Multiple User Libraries can be established with different variables to retain the information link between input settings and Cashflow Models. Know what calculation and variables were used in a the creation of a model is paramount to the Mine Planning workflow.