3D Viewer

Once you have created the model, you need to view it! 3D Viewer in the QS Portal allows easy visualisation and interrogation of any model loaded into the system.

Visualisation - Regularised - Interrogation - colour - Dataset

Visualising model data can be challenging, particularly for large models. And models are becoming larger and more detailed, with a significantly increasing range of attributes, including environmental in many instances. This can result in difficulty displaying and interrogating these datasets for validation and interpretation.

The Challenge

Using server-side rendering in the QS Portal, you can now open large models on almost any device, even an iPad.
The QS Portal 3D viewer allows easy interrogation and visualisation making review of geospatial data simple and efficient. Want to load multiple views of the same model..? Or multiple different models..?? No problem..!!

Our Solution

Server-side Processing

Visualise large models in the online environment, powered by cloud scalable computation and server-side compute, unconstrained by your local compute capacity.

Any colour for Any Data

Alter your colour allocation to any bin for continuous variables, and to any combination of colours for categorical variables.

Regularised or Sub-Blocked

View models with fixed or variable block dimensions seamlessly.

Filter your datasets

Apply detailed filters to your block models to focus on only the relevant data.

Interrogate the data

Select any block, and have the system display all model data fields and values.

3D Viewer


  • Visualise data with the QS Portal server side 3D Viewer, unconstrained by your local compute capacity.

  • Select the way you want to visualise your data with powerful and easy to use filtering and colouring.

  • Designed to work with large data and big models.

  • Collaborate by sending a team member a link to the exact view you are working with.

Take the first step towards optimising your mining operations! Request a demo of our software and we’ll schedule in a free demo on your data.

3D Viewer Demo