Model Analysis

Validate the data, before you start planning. Immediate insights into your block model, all associated data and relationships.

Analysis Toolkit - Health Checks - Model Genealogy - Model Modification

All mine planning processes begin in the same place, with the resource model; built in a variety of ways, by a range of software solutions. Confidence in the geological model is critical, and a structured approach is required to avoid re-work. Compressed planning time-frames generally reduce validation. How sure are you that your model is fit for purpose? 

The Challenge

Load, validate, and export models of various formats effortlessly. Enjoy automated health checks across a wide range of commonly identified model issues and then analyse using summary statistics, powerful charting, and visualisations. Automated model genealogy and a robust toolkit is at your fingertips. Explore, reblock, extend, join, or code your models from surfaces or solids.

Our Solution

Versatile Model Handling

Load, validate, and export models of different formats and types, ensuring compatibility and efficiency in your modelling workflows. 

Analysis Toolkit

Explore even the largest models with our comprehensive analysis toolkit, offering powerful tools for in-depth exploration and understanding of your resource data. 

Automated Health Checks

Prevent errors and rework with automated health checks, providing rapid feedback and ensuring the integrity of your go-foward data.

Flexible Model Modification

Reblock, extend, and join models effortlessly, allowing you to produce the data specific to your requirements, whether it's for planning, analysis, or reporting. 

Model Genealogy

Trace all model versions to prevent errors, and utilise closed-loop validations to ensure that all changes align with expectations, maintaining data accuracy and confidence. 

Model Coding

Rapidly code models from surfaces and solids so you can move to the next stage of your workflow. 

Block Model Analysis


  • Validate your models with powerful engines before you commit your time to producing plans.

  • Health Checks that traffic light the model structural status.

  • Import and export using an integrated software agnostic planning ecosystem. Most common formats supported.

  • Genealogy functionality allows you to instantly trace the source of all input data.

  • Closed Loop engines run automatically to confirm expected relationships between parent and child models.

  • Visualise your models to interpret and validate the data.

Model Analysis Demo

Take the first step towards optimising your mining operations! Request a demo of our software and we’ll schedule in a free demo on your data.


  • Modelling a mining process is a complex task with many steps and insidious errors can be introduced at any and all stages. Mining software packages are also archaic in their structure and data management and will happily introduce silent (read default) values that can corrupt a model. Having transparency into the model values provides confidence in the model.

    The QS Portal includes two elements to aid in getting to know your model - Health Checks and Model Analysis.

    Health Checks provide a passive sanity check to every model uploaded and configured to highlight any potential issues. A traffic light system (green = good, amber = warning, red = error) quickly shows issues in the model.

    Model Analysis is a more targeted review of the data using a categorical fields to produce various charts and statistics depending on the input data. The model analysis can highlight issues such as: fixed values (important to know for grades and density), topography coding errors (in the 3D Viewer) and grade spikes in swathe plots.

  • Block models are spatial models and make sense when they are displayed in a 3D environment. The QS Portal enables the visualization, filtering and colouring of the block model in 3D Viewer without the need of a high powered computer. That’s right, the model and the Viewer are online and stay online. There is no need to download the model in order for it to render in 3D.

  • The QS Portal can import models in CSV, Datamine and BMF formats. Subblock or regularised models can be imported, as well as attributed solids. Attributed solids has some spatial (block related) elements which cannot be calculated. For subblock models, the regular parent size is required as metadata information upon import.

  • The QS Portal is designed to be used as a repository for block models as well as other mining information. A model can be downloaded in the native Portal format, which is a parquet file, or exported to a CSV for downloading using Model Toolkit. During export, the Model Toolkit also enables the model to be filtered and aggregated. The filtering is way to subset the model using categorical or “greater than” or “less than” filters.

    Aggregation is a great method to do complex reserve reporting by grouping by categoricals and summing attributes. The results can then be used in a pivot table to slice and dice the data and report at whatever level is required.

  • The QS Portal makes an assumption that most block models in existence have come from another source model. Only freshly created Resource models would be considered “new”, it is assumed that there is some form of relationship between resource models from one year to the next. The QS Portal employs the concept of a Parent - Child Models to track the genesis of block models.

    The Parent - Child concept enables a functionality and analysis including:

    • Copy configuration from parent model.

    • Track which Resource Model (Parent) a Cashflow Model (Child) is created from.

    • Compare changes in resource volume, tonnes and spatial location from previous year (Parent) to current year (Child).

    • Automatically compare tonnes by categorical between Parent and Child Models. This is provided as the Closed Loop Analysis in the Portal.